$10 Coupon For New Clients
Affordable, CVO Accredited Animal Hospital
Have an emergency?
Sometimes prompt veterinary attention can mean the difference between life and death for your pet.
SAve your pet now!
We offer high comprehensive medical care services fit to your budget.
- CALL US: 613-825-7921
HOURS: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Weekday
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Saturday
Walk-Ins Welcome
Have an urgent need for your pet? Drop by – even without an appointment.
We offer high quality affordable comprehensive medical services fit to your budget.
We’re your emergency veterinarians. Our team is always ready for you.
Open Late
We are open late evening making it easier for our patients treatment they need.
When To Seek Emergency Animal Care
When is a veterinary issue an outright or probable emergency, as opposed to urgent? Urgent animal care generally applies to situations where your pet is sick, injured and/or uncomfortable without actually being in life-threatening danger. But if your pet appears to be suffering from any of the following crises, it’s time to seek emergency animal care:
Poison ingestion
If you believe your pet has consumed automotive fluids, household cleaning products or certain toxic “human foods” such as chocolate or grapes, bring him to our vet clinic immediately.
Foreign object ingestion
If your pet has swallowed a foreign object, he needs immediate care to either alleviate choking or remove the object from his digestive system. We can restore normal breathing, run x-rays and remove the object surgically if need be.
Heat stroke
Excessive heat and insufficient water can produce heat stroke symptoms such as staggering, seizures, panting and loss of consciousness.
Auto accidents
A traumatic impact from a car can cause severe lacerations and bleeding, broken bones, shock and internal injuries. We can perform emergency surgery, transfusions and other procedures to treat your pet’s injuries.
Animal bites and attacks
An unfortunate scrape with another animal can produce deep scratches, lacerations and other injuries, possibly setting the stage for dangerous infections as well. We can examine, clean and close your pet’s wounds while relieving pain and administering antibiotics.
Snake bites, bee stings and allergic reactions
Snakes bites, bee stings and allergies can all cause serious toxic reactions in your pet, from impaired breathing to severe swelling and pain. We can administer emergency medications to stabilize your pet’s condition.
Urinary blockage
If your pet cannot urinate normally or without pain, a serious blockage may have developed. We can perform emergency measures to find and remove the obstruction.
What To Expect
We encourage pet owners to call us the instant they believe they have an emergency on their hands.
While our emergency veterinary hospital welcomes pets at all hours, with no need for an appointment, it is our hope that you call first so we can prepare for your immediate needs We may be able to provide critical advice and guidance over the phone, from how to wrap a heat-stricken animals in cool damp towels to how to remove an obstacle from a choking animal’s airway.
On arrival you will fill out client and patient information and then we will begin taking a history, recording vitals signs and then progress with an examination.
Once you check in at our clinic, you may have to move your pet to an emergency room right away while you remain in the reception area.
This helps to ensure that the emergency veterinarians have sufficient room to work effectively.
We will share our findings with you.
Once tests have been conducted, we will then be careful to explain the details simply and sympathetically so you can make informed decisions.
We will have course direction for treatment.
We will recommend specific treatment options, from first aid to emergency internal surgery.
Critical Care Services
The presence of advanced medical technology and sophisticated laboratory tests allow healthcare practitioners to provide the highest standard of care to patients particularly in the acute care setting.
Here at Ottawa Barrhaven Animal Hospital, we are very fortunate to have the global leader in veterinary diagnostics right here in the services of our clinic with all of our diagnostic needs, giving us quick and highly accurate reports for all of our patients.
Ultrasonography is most commonly used to obtain an image of soft tissue. In its two-dimensional form, ultrasonography is used extensively for abdominal (kidneys, liver, and gallbladder) and thoracic (heart) exams. It is useful in animals to diagnose pregnancy, as the fetal heartbeat(s) cannot be found early in pregnancy. Another type of diagnostic ultrasound, Doppler, is used in vascular diagnosis to assess blood flow. Other areas, such as the eyes, thyroid, breast, and testicles, can be imaged by ultrasound as well.
We provide all basic surgery services for dogs and cats including a full range of orthopedic and soft tissue surgical procedures.
Ottawa Barrhaven Animal Hospital considers the use of digital radiograph technology as a critical tool in modern diagnostic procedures. Radiographs, which are commonly known as X-rays, are used to evaluate injuries and conditions which require more than external examination.
Other Services
Vaccinations are important for all pets. Whether they are strictly indoors or if they spend some time in the outdoors, having up to date vaccinations are crucial for your pets.
Dental care is one of the most overlooked and under-treated areas in small animal medicine. Animals are affected by many of the same dental problems that affect humans. The dental disease begins when bacteria colonize the mouth and a plaque biofilm is formed. After a while, this biofilm mineralizes and calcifies into tartar. The bacterial population accumulates, which leads to inflammation and results in periodontal disease. Additional factors such as misaligned teeth, systemic disease, nutrition, and genetics, may also contribute to disease. In addition to periodontal disease, animals can also develop other dental diseases, which include feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions, stomatitis, and fractured teeth.
Here at Ottawa Barrhaven Animal Hospital, we offer full grooming for your precious pets with pricing that depends on the size and breed.
A microchip is a very important form of identification for your dog. A microchip is the size of a grain of rice, that is implanted under the skin, between your dog’s shoulder blades. Often times, a microchip is mistaken for a form of ‘GPS tracking.’ In order for the microchip to function properly, the owner must ensure that they keep their phone number and address current with the company that they are registered to, so if your dog goes missing and is brought into either a veterinary clinic or a shelter by a citizen, the identification number that is scanned will be able to be connected to your information for the safe retrieval of your pet.
Heartworms are parasites that reside in the heart and lungs of affected pets. Dogs are particularly susceptible to heartworm infection (which is transmitted from one animal to another through mosquito bites), but cats, ferrets, and some other species of mammals can also become infected. Left untreated, heartworm disease can cause severe damage to the heart, lungs, and other organs, and will often lead to death.
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Have questions? We’re here to help! Complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. If you need immediate assistance, please call directly at 613-825-7921
We look forward to seeing you!
Our contact information is below. If you need anything at all, please let us know!
900 Greenbank Rd #1005
Nepean, ON K2J 1S8, Canada
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Contact Info
Call: 613-825-7921
Need care?
Please call us: 613-825-7921
We would love to see how we can help you solve your pet concerns with no hassle with our pain free free methods.